We know that working at Kindness is changing the lives of our employees. In addition to a paycheck, a job provides a sense of purpose, increased social connection, and opportunities for learning and growth.

Just as importantly, employing adults with disabilities is positive for the greater community. Employing adults with disabilities improves company cultures and demonstrates a business’s commitment to the greater good.

Have a resource that should be on this page? Want to learn more? Email us!

Employing Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Here’s a graphic created by Best Buddies International summarizing a study by i4cp, Institute for Corporate Productivity, on employing adults with cognitive disabilities.

Big Name Corporations Find Success Employing Adults with Disabilities

Read this article about how Walgreens, Amazon, and Wawa as well as smaller start-ups have benefitted from creating intentional strategies to hire neurodiverse talent

Watch our video about Anne Ross

She shares about how meaningful employment at Kindness has positively impacted her life

Learn with US!

Interested in employing an adult with a cognitive disability? Have ideas, insights, research that might guide Kindness as we move forward? Email us to set up a (you guessed it) coffee date.